Body Prime

Body Prime effectively prepares your body for any health regimen. With a significant amount of magnesium, it contributes to normal energy metabolism and valuable electrolyte balance. These factors are perfect primers for your system to initiate your Purify Program. Body Prime is an effective formula that will give you gentle bowel motility.


Body Prime contains 400mg of the powerful, essential macro-mineral Magnesium. To effectively prepare your body for a regimen of healthy habits, magnesium oxide has a priming effect shown in clinical settings to induce mild bowel motility. At the same time, magnesium is a crucial mineral for maintaining a healthy balance of electrolytes, and is an important micro-nutrient in the reduction of fatigue. Additionally, magnesium has been proven to have a positive cardiovascular benefit.

Prune powder and apple pectin

These indredients work synergistically to kick-start any health regimen. Along with magnesium oxide, these familiar fruit sources have been recommended for use in clinical settings to induce bowel health and motility, which leads to a variety of benefits. These ingredients are Non-GMO and are approved for daily use.


  • Magnesium
  • Prune powder
  • Apple pectin


  • Contributes to healthy electrolyte balance
  • Contributes to natural energy metabolism
  • Contributes to muscle function including the heart muscle
  • Contributes to normal muscle contraction including normal heartbeat
  • Can reduce tiredness and fatigue

Using Body Prime

Bottle 90 capsules
Daily dose - Maintenance 2 capsules
Daily dose - Intensive 4-6 capsules
Dose form Capsule to be swallowed with water
Directions Best taken in the evening.
Contraindications None known
Length of use As desired


Fact Sheet
