Intrinsic Complex

Intrinsic Complex

Reverse and prevent damage from the inside.


  • Initiates skin repair at a cellular level
  • Protects against photosensitivity to combat exposure related ageing
  • Protects against damage
  • Supports anti-inflammatory response
  • Increases evenness and brightens skin tone
  • Increases skin smoothness and firmness

Key Ingredients

  • SYRICALM CLR. (poria mushroom and common reed extracts). Protects against cell viability and photosensitivity, promotes cell energy and skin barrier function
  • BARBARY FIG LEAF EXTRACT. A cactus leaf that limits bad mechanisms induced by exposure and protects against destruction
  • ROXISOMES.  Repairs oxidative damage
  • ULTRASOMES V.  An enzyme that repair thymidine dimers (TD) and damage caused by exposure


  • Gently apply to skin on face and neck
  • Use morning and evening