Discover the amazing Synergy Product Range

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Welcome to the Synergy Heart 2 Heart Team

We are a group of caring, warm and resourceful men and women who are passionate about changing the lives of those they love.  The team offers an environment of heartfelt, honest and supportive business interaction.  Sharing their wealth of knowledge to help every new person who joins our team feel included and part of our growing community.

We are a solution orientated, positive and focused group with a vision to change lives and create abundance for all.  We’d love to have you join us on your path to health and financial prosperity.

Are you looking for a new opportunity?

At this time many people are re-evaluating their own circumstances and are actively seeking an alternative income, perhaps you are one of them?

Have a look at our Business Opportunity website and see how the Synergy Worldwide and Heart-2-Heart Team business opportunity can be something you can do to build an alternate income stream.

The Compensation Plan in 5 Minutes

The Business Opportunity Webinar

Watch one of our Online Health Webinars

On a mission to help everyone achieve better health, the Heart 2 Heart Elite Health team discuss the importance of the Microbiome and Gut Health on long term physical and mental health.

In these webinars, you will learn what the gut microbiome is and how it is affected by diet, lifestyle & the environment. You will discover why people find it difficult to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight thereafter.

Download our free book on Nutrigenetics

Imgaine if you could take the guesswork out of getting fit & healthy.

As a society, we spend millions on books to tell us how to lead a healthier lifestyle and how to eat better. We buy gadgets that monitor some part of our lifestyle, to tell us what we should be doing and when.

The fact is though, that for many people, fad-diets do more harm than good, and we all have a discarded technology drawer somewhere in our house.

The reason for this is that they do not offer us advice that is personal to our own bodies instruction manual. The science of Nutrigenetics is about telling you the things you cannot see, but these are all things that can have a direct effect on your health and they are things that we should all know about ourselves.

Download our free book on boosting your Immune System

The team has put together an amazing book covering things that you can do yourself to help boost your Immune System, as well as key foods that help and some clinically proven targetted nutrition if you need an extra boost.

Free Lifestyle Analysis

By answering a few questions about your current lifestyle and how you are currently feeling, we can gain an insight of how your bodily systems are operating, from very poor to very good levels of health.

The advice gives you a benchmark of where you are beginning and can highlight what bodily systems need the most help.

Click below then enter  your details so that we may book you in for your Free Analysis.

Julia Riewald, Mother, Entrepreneur & Good Food Addict, Manchester

I’ve had a dream since I was a kid – now I’ve found a vehicle to get there. I can passionately live who I am and develop my potential every day. Plus, of course, the benefit of feeling fitter, more energetic, ‘cleaner’ on the inside and clearer than ever before. So fulfilling. Love the new me!

Liz James, Nutritional Therapist & Synergy Ambassador, Somerset

Synergy has been life-changing! It has given me great health & such a bright future – the opportunity to dream again and empower others to enjoy the same.

Nicola, Lymphatic Massage Therapist, Berks

5 years ago, having an under-active thyroid, early menopause and working as cabin crew meant my energy was shot to pieces. Synergy’s products gave me my energy back and a whole lot more. The business opportunity that came with it was even better as it meant I could help others to change their health too and work towards a retirement plan for myself whilst doing so. Win, win!

Mirriam, Registered Nurse, Sunbury, Surrey

My blood pressure was once out of control and I was always afraid that I was going to have a stroke. ProArgi-9+ lowered my blood pressure naturally. ProArgi-9+ changed my life, I am relaxed now and feel like a new person. No need for blood pressure pills!

Helen, Business Woman, Oxford

Just over 8 years ago I had my final radiotherapy treatment for cancer. I had never felt so exhausted. Now with Synergy products my focus and natural energy levels have come back. My health has never been so good. I love sharing Synergy and making a positive impact on people’s lives.

Cat Wilton, Holistic Practitioner & Entrepreneur, Somerset

Synergy has transformed my life. My health has never been better and the personal development has been truly astonishing.

Isabelle Natali, Holistic Therapist, Paris

I am loving the 21 Day Purify Program, I feel lighter and more relaxed in all sorts of ways!

Rachael Dobson, Ambassador & Team Leader, Synergy, Oxfordshire

I’ve been in the health industry for over 12 years as a Personal Trainer. I am passionate about supporting people through the 21 day program to reset the Gut Microbiome.

Kay, Environmental Health Practitioner, Wiltshire

I gave up tea and I was probably drinking 8+ cups per day! I don’t want to drink it now. I have definitely changed my diet since starting the 21 Day Purify Program.

Kim Bradley, Heart 2 Heart Team Founder, Oxford

If you want to slow down ageing, live your life at your full potential and help others to do the same, Synergy is the business for you. My life continues to be rewarding beyond all my expectations every day.